Business Development Consultant, Coach, Trainer & Facilitator
Enhancing lives by equipping individuals and teams to achieve greatness
Individual business development coaching, consulting, facilitating & training
In-depth Discovery Session (90 minutes)
Finding Delivered
Vision, Mission & Values Identified
Two Coaching Sessions per Month
60 Minute Sessions & Summary Notes
On-Call Support for Real-Time Concerns
Co-creation of a Professional Development Plan & Personalized Handbook
Enhance awareness of your desired outcomes by defining meaningful, measurable & achievable goals
Elevate performance & productivity with supportive accountability
Exponentially increase sales performance
Uncover blind spots
Increase efficiency of processes & systems
Shift behaviors to create predictable habits & outcomes
Build resiliency: professional & mental
Team Facilitation, Training & consulting
Pre-Engagement Discovery Process
Individual 90-minute meetings with each team member to uncover strengths & opportunities
Compile findings into strengths & opportunities
Deliver & debrief summary of team findings
Create plan for engagement
Training Performance Coaching & Consulting
Train and develop advisors, leaders, and key executives to award winning results
Facilitator & Moderator
Executive leadership meetings, career builders, study groups, retreats, planning initiatives
Team on-site (or virtual) meetings
Content & Program Development
Creator of multiple agency playbooks, leadership modules, internship & advisor development, CRO & recruiting systems